Tuesday, May 12, 2009
May 12th
Pop died June 10th, 1983. Hard living took a toll on him. At 65 he was an old man. My fondest memories are of the two of us working together on a well drilling rig. He taught me how to work hard and enjoy it. He also taught me how to install and service hangovers. Although I swore I'd never be like him, it's obvious that we were cut from the same cloth. Today I don't think that's a bad thing. He had his faults but I know how hard he tried. Love you, Pop, happy birthday.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Signs of spring and Mama
Monday, May 4, 2009
Four dead in Ohio
I remember wondering who's army I should be more afraid of.
Don't get me wrong, I'm as patriotic as they come. But this was senseless. The guardsmen (who joined to keep from being drafted and sent to VietNam themselves) were more scared than the protesters. No one in the crowd even thought the guns were loaded. Just a terrible tragedy.
Every year I remember the dead and pray something like this never happens again.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Experience, strength, and hope
I was surfing the blogosphere for bloggers who share common interests with myself and came across the attached video.
Craig's story is not alot different from my own. If you know people like us, you know it's real. Here's a few laughs about a very serious subject.
Thanks for sharing, Craig.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Camera shy
A tree swallow has claimed the other box and is very bold. He does not flee from anything, and will chase any bird or other animal (including humans) that comes near.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Is it over?
The crocuses are blooming, the lilac bush has buds on it, dafodills are sprouted, the song birds are back. I think it's really spring!
Now all I have to do is cut alot more brush, pick up the leaves I didn't get last fall, clean up a winter's worth of dog s#%*, trim the willow trees, plant a garden, set up Lindsey's sand box, mow and mow and mow... oh,yeah, then there's 6 or 8 cords of firewood to cut for next winter.
I love my yard and I love working in it. As long as I'm here, I'll never be bored
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Night shift
Tomorrow is my first day home with Lindsey. We have a Dr.'s appointment in Albany with her pediatric pulmonologist in the morning. After that we're touring another daycare on the way home. Jennifer goes to work after that and then it's Lindsey and Daddy!!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
In memory of Mom
"smilin, aint so easy now"
It's really hard not to be sad writing this post. Mom's been gone two years today. I've been thinking about her alot this week. We were angry with each other alot years ago. She wasn't a perfect parent, I wasn't a perfect son. Neither of us could accept that. She mellowed with age...I got sober, God brought us back together. Part of my recovery program is making amends to people I've hurt. I had no idea how much I hurt my parents until I had a child of my own. I knew I pissed her off, and at the time, I was ok with that, but I had no idea the pain I had caused her. When I was going through the same kind of pain over my own son, I understood. We were able to talk about it, cry about it, laugh about it, let it go, and forgive each other. When she died, I had no regrets about our relationship.

We kept her, Mom
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Legal B & E
Easily replaced
Kudos to the Queensbury district office!
Afterward, I went to get a haircut and I told the barber that I was looking for work. She told me if it ever got to where I needed a haircut and had no money, come in anyway and she'd give me one. I don't expect to have to take her up on it but I thought it was a very nice offer. My business card is on her bulletin board and she told me she would steer people to me. I'll take all the help I can get. Thank's, Marylee!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Lucky 13?
I love my son very much but there are times when I don't like him at all. I want to be proud of him but he makes it pretty tough. There is hope, however. I, too, was troubled and in trouble in my younger days. My poor choices made life difficult, to say the least. When I was sick and tired of being sick and tired I started making better decisions. It took a long time but my life got better, much better. With time and effort he can do the same.
Happy birthday, Mark. I'll continue to love and pray for you.
P.S. I also met his mother on a Friday the 13th. That turned out not so lucky, but that's a whole other story.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Genius or what?
Mark and Jessie are her biological parents. She sees them once a month. We hadn't told her they were coming, she hasn't asked about them, but at two years old, she has figured it out.
She was playing with a number/letter shape sorter and could not only put the objects in the right holes, she correctly ID'd each letter and number. She's TWO!!
She can sing along with a kid's CD, carry a tune, get all the lyrics right, and name the artist. (she gets that from me)
She knows Dan Zanes and Laurie Berkner by sight.
She can identify the sound of a banjo, violin, piano, and harmonica.
She can identify a song by the introduction. Did I mention she's two?
This is her "magic flute". She told me "It's wind, it blows the leaves around." I don't know if Lindsey is advanced or not, but I am really impressed. Beauty, brains, and talent. Where did THAT come from?
Monday, February 2, 2009
The day the music died
These three musicians were pioneers of modern music. Peggy Sue, LaBomba, Chantilly Lace... all masterpieces of early rock and roll, helped spark my appreciation for the music I love today. I was 4 years old when this happened. I don't remember hearing about it until ten years later. I recently saw a documentary about it and was stricken with both grief and awe. These kids left a great legacy. Many careers began when their's ended.
Don McLean immortalized the event in his song, American Pie.... "I can't remember if I cried when I read about his widowed bride, but something touched me deep inside the day the music died."
Thursday, January 29, 2009
The last place I looked
I was snowblowing the driveway this morning and happened to put my hand in the pocket of my coveralls. There were the keys!
I hadn't worn them since the last time I cleared the driveway. Now I can stash the spares back where they belong until my next brain cramp. Hope I can remember where that is!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Hero at The Egg
Go break a heart, Kris!
Monday, January 19, 2009
got MLK?
I was told as a child that a "colored" person would never be president. I have never been so pleased to discover that the people I looked up to were wrong. These historic events show how far we have come as a nation. I am truly proud to be an American! "Ain't you come a long way down this old road"
Sunday, January 18, 2009
children of all ages
Friday, January 16, 2009
How cold is it?
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Sunday Morning Comin' Down
This is Kris' arrangement. Somebody made a decent video out of it, I found it on Youtube.
I played it in Schuylerville (see my seven).
sick day
We didn't plan to have kids. We actually planned not to. God's plan was different. And better.
I get another chance at parenting. Lindsey gets a loving, somewhat normal home, Jennifer gets to experience motherhood (she's a natural!). Everybody wins.
I called my customer to tell him I could not come in today and he was very understanding. Too bad I have to work at all. The only down side is financial. It doesn't matter, though, because we are truly blessed. Gotta love God for this!
Monday, January 12, 2009
My seven
1. I proposed to my first grade teacher. Her name was Mary-Lou Hayes. I think it was because she resembled my mother. I was 6 OK?
2. I broke my left arm three times. Twice in the third grade (Dr. Snyder took the cast off too soon), once in seventh grade gym class.
3. I could read before I went to kindergarten.
4. I haven't had a drink in 21 years.
5. I was the opening act at a country music festival in Schuylerville, NY in 1997.
6. I was so thin when I was a kid that my family nickname was "skinny".
7. My daughter and my granddaughter are the same person.
I don't have anyone to tag.