Monday, January 12, 2009

My seven

Ok, I'll be a good sport. Jennifer tagged me for this silly game. I enjoyed reading yours so I'll play along.

1. I proposed to my first grade teacher. Her name was Mary-Lou Hayes. I think it was because she resembled my mother. I was 6 OK?

2. I broke my left arm three times. Twice in the third grade (Dr. Snyder took the cast off too soon), once in seventh grade gym class.

3. I could read before I went to kindergarten.

4. I haven't had a drink in 21 years.

5. I was the opening act at a country music festival in Schuylerville, NY in 1997.

6. I was so thin when I was a kid that my family nickname was "skinny".

7. My daughter and my granddaughter are the same person.

I don't have anyone to tag.


  1. Bravo Bravo! Great job - pretty funny stuff. I bet you enjoyed it. (skinny) he he he

  2. Mrs. Hayes was my first grade teacher too! And if I didnt know better I'd, 21 years without a drink- you must be thirsty. Serious note- I am glad you are in the 1-3%

  3. I like your photo of the road, it reminds me of my life.
