Thursday, January 29, 2009

The last place I looked

Yes, that's where I found my keys. They had been missing for a couple of weeks. I have a spare set but for the life of me could not figure out where I had misplaced the everyday ones.
I was snowblowing the driveway this morning and happened to put my hand in the pocket of my coveralls. There were the keys!
I hadn't worn them since the last time I cleared the driveway. Now I can stash the spares back where they belong until my next brain cramp. Hope I can remember where that is!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Hero at The Egg

That's right...Kris Kristofferson, legendary singer, song writer, and my personal hero will be in Albany, NY on February 21 at The Empire Center at The Egg. I will probably not go as I have seen this show twice already. Once was at this venue. I was in the fourth row center but there is not a bad seat in the house. It's a very intimate setting, one man, one guitar, one harmonica. Pure, simple Kristofferson. This is a show worth seeing. The man is 73 years old, who knows how much longer he will be touring? Hopefully for a while. I'd love to take Lindsey to see him when she's a little older.

Go break a heart, Kris!

Monday, January 19, 2009

got MLK?

How fitting it is that Barack Obama is being sworn in the same week as the reverend Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday celebration. Obama's inauguration is the culmination of the slain civil rights leader's vision.
I was told as a child that a "colored" person would never be president. I have never been so pleased to discover that the people I looked up to were wrong. These historic events show how far we have come as a nation. I am truly proud to be an American! "Ain't you come a long way down this old road"

Sunday, January 18, 2009

children of all ages

We had a gathering of friends and family at our house yesterday. My wife, daughter, myself and about 14 guests. Ages ranged from 80 something down to 18 months. Everybody had a good time, I think. I had a blast. We enjoyed yummy appetizers and desserts, played games, reminisced, and enjoyed each other's company. And laughed ALOT. Much to be grateful for.

Friday, January 16, 2009

How cold is it?

I got a new indoor/outdoor thermometer for Christmas . It has an electronic sensor that goes outside and sends a signal to the digital unit inside. We put the sensor on the screen porch on the south side of the house. Apparently the concrete slab floor generates a little heat. Yesterday morning it said it was 8 degrees. By all accounts on the television and internet it was -5. My wife said "What's the difference, It's COLD!" I moved the sensor to the other side of the house yesterday. It now reports 17 below zero. That's gone up a degree in the last hour. I went out this morning to the shed for firewood and I have to agree with Jennifer, It's COLD!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sunday Morning Comin' Down

Johnny Cash said this song literally fell out of the sky for him. June woke him from a nap to tell him there was a helicopter landing in their yard. A young Kris Kristofferson handed him a piece of paper with this song on it. Cash recorded it and it won song of the year. Kris said he hasn't done a real day's work since.

This is Kris' arrangement. Somebody made a decent video out of it, I found it on Youtube.

I played it in Schuylerville (see my seven).

sick day

Lindsey woke up with a fever today and could not go to daycare. Jennifer has a work emergency and could not stay home so Daddy gets to play hookey with his favorite little girl. There is truly nothing else I'd rather be doing. She is quietly entertaining herself with her toys in the living room and does not appear to be in any discomfort. What a trooper! I adore this child.

We didn't plan to have kids. We actually planned not to. God's plan was different. And better.
I get another chance at parenting. Lindsey gets a loving, somewhat normal home, Jennifer gets to experience motherhood (she's a natural!). Everybody wins.

I called my customer to tell him I could not come in today and he was very understanding. Too bad I have to work at all. The only down side is financial. It doesn't matter, though, because we are truly blessed. Gotta love God for this!

Monday, January 12, 2009

My seven

Ok, I'll be a good sport. Jennifer tagged me for this silly game. I enjoyed reading yours so I'll play along.

1. I proposed to my first grade teacher. Her name was Mary-Lou Hayes. I think it was because she resembled my mother. I was 6 OK?

2. I broke my left arm three times. Twice in the third grade (Dr. Snyder took the cast off too soon), once in seventh grade gym class.

3. I could read before I went to kindergarten.

4. I haven't had a drink in 21 years.

5. I was the opening act at a country music festival in Schuylerville, NY in 1997.

6. I was so thin when I was a kid that my family nickname was "skinny".

7. My daughter and my granddaughter are the same person.

I don't have anyone to tag.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Do real men blog?

I've been wanting to start one of these for a while. It seems that all the blogs I read are by women, but I love quiche so what the heck. Thanks to my wife for all her help setting it up as I am a novice on the computer. Hopefully I can improve my skills and have a little fun doing it. Besides, I've always been in touch with my feminine side.