Thursday, April 23, 2009

Experience, strength, and hope

Some people think that because I no longer drink that I won a battle against alcohol. Nothing could be further from the truth. I fought the battle alright, but lost miserably. Only when I declared myself the loser could I have my life back. There was no victory, only surrender.
I was surfing the blogosphere for bloggers who share common interests with myself and came across the attached video.
Craig's story is not alot different from my own. If you know people like us, you know it's real. Here's a few laughs about a very serious subject.
Thanks for sharing, Craig.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Camera shy

I got pretty close to a bluebird in our yard yesterday. We have 2 bird boxes on the north lawn and a beautiful male has built a nest in one of them and sits on top waiting for his mate. I walked to within 10 feet of him and he didn't move so I thought I'd get the camera and share this gorgeous sight with you. Nothin' doin', the little fellow is obviously camera shy. He would not stay put for a picture. He is back today, patiently waiting for the female to arrive.
A tree swallow has claimed the other box and is very bold. He does not flee from anything, and will chase any bird or other animal (including humans) that comes near.