Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Legal B & E

With the help of a Deputy Sheriff and my 30 month old daughter, I just broke into my own house. I had just gotten home with Lindsey. I put her in the house and was in the mudroom feeding the dogs when I heard a faint "click". She had turned the deadbolt and locked me out. My keys were in my coat pocket which was in the house. I tried to get her to unlock it but her little fingers weren't strong enough. I called my wife, (she was on her way to Syracuse, sans key) who told me to call the police. I apologetically told the dispatcher what had happened and a patrol was sent. Eventually we decided that if I could get into the screen porch, I could open the sliding glass door. I popped out a screen and climbed in on the porch but the door was secured with a board in the bottom track. I knocked on the glass and got Lindsey's attention, "Pick up the stick, honey. Please, for Daddy, pick up the stick for Daddy." And she did. I was in. The deputy just smiled and said "Bye bye Lindsey", shook my hand and left. The whole thing was over in about a half hour but time crawls when I'm panicking. It seemed like half a day. No harm, no foul, Lindsey is scattering her toys around the house as if nothing happened at all. My little accomplice, what a handful she's going to be!


  1. I am surprised she didnt get scared. Luckily you didnt have to break anything to get in! Another happy ending. The sheriff was probably happy to have an "easy" call to respond to also...glad you didnt hesitate to call them it never hurts to have someone there to help. Although I was on the way...

  2. Thank you, Corin, I know you would have kicked in the door for me, a la Olivia Benson. Which is funny, because that is exactly where you mind went.

    Mark, I am very glad that you found a way in. And I am really glad that Lindsey didn't get scared. I love you both. Now, duct tape the latch on that deadbolt, please!

  3. OMG!!! I can remember Sheila and I accidently locking Beans in the car at the Natick Mall. It was VERY stressful. Make sure you print out this story for her memory book.

  4. If it helps this happened to my husband when our oldest was 9 months old. I was in California atthe time. Brian was closing the house up for the evening and went to let the dog off the deck (gate had closed) and closed the slider so Alex wouldn't come out. Alex found the stick and pushed it so it locked daddy out. Thankfully it was still warm out so he was able to break through a screen window in the bedroom. I totally feel for you. Also he was giggling the whole time. It was very telling of our future, good luck :)
