Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Easily replaced

I was pleasantly surprised at how smoothly things went at the Social Security Administration office today. A prospective employer asked for my social security card and I could not find it. Jennifer printed an application for me from the website which I filled out and brought to the Cronin Rd office. The instructions said I needed a birth record, passport, and driver's license. I have no passport and had given my birth certificate to another agency. I was prepared for a bureaucrat to tell me I needed more paperwork (and drive to Corinth and pay 10 bucks for another birth certificate). Instead, the gentleman only wanted my license and the completed application. He said the new card should be in my mailbox in 7 to 10 days. He also gave me a letter stating that I had applied and a new card was in transit to show the prospective employer. Now I know the process is supposed to be this simple, but, in my experience, it rarely is.
Kudos to the Queensbury district office!

Afterward, I went to get a haircut and I told the barber that I was looking for work. She told me if it ever got to where I needed a haircut and had no money, come in anyway and she'd give me one. I don't expect to have to take her up on it but I thought it was a very nice offer. My business card is on her bulletin board and she told me she would steer people to me. I'll take all the help I can get. Thank's, Marylee!


  1. what? jeepers, with everything going that smoothly today, I dare you to try to get something done at motor vehicle or. You are on a roll, and that would be the true test!

  2. I think you are hogging the higher power...seriously though I hope you get some contacts from the barber's board.
